Our Financial Advising Fee Structure

up close image of a calculator for Our Financial Advising Fee Structure

Our Financial Advising Fee Structure

Cost counts! There’s a lot of confusion about what “fee only” means. Fee only includes advisors that charge a percentage of what you keep in your brokerage account. When an advisor’s compensation is based on the brokerage account, guess what the center of the relationship will be. That’s right, the brokerage account. This leaves all the other areas of planning untended. But those other areas are where the real value in working with an advisor lies! Investment related fees and expenses are one of the eroding factors that can undermine an investment strategy.

If you’re paying 1% in investment management fees, you are paying too much!

Managed money is a losing proposition, for investors. If any manager could really beat their benchmark index consistently, we’d all give that manager our money. If anyone could beat the market, there would be no market.

We do not charge asset-based fees for investment advice and implementation. Most other advisors do.

Flat Monthly Fee

  • Provides assurance our advice is objective.
  • Allows you to implement our advice through us or anywhere else.
  • Is unavoidable. Most people have no idea what they pay their advisers.
  • Provides great incentive for us to maintain continuous communication and service.
  • Engenders long term relationships and facilitates ongoing planning.