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Tax Returns: Your God-Given Right as an American

Recently CBS Sunday Morning published a story on the idea of automating the preparation of our tax returns. This is not a new idea. I hope it never becomes law. Sunday Morning interviewed a Stanford professor…


Required Minimum Distributions

RMD. If you’re seventy years old, or near it, or you have inherited an IRA from someone, you have probably heard this acronym. Most retirees have some basic understanding that they need to take money out of their pre-tax retirement accounts at age seventy and a half.

Financial Planning

Crisis Breeds Opportunity

No matter how you see things, 2017 was a tumultuous year. Some say we’re in a state of crisis. Others say we’re on our way out of one. Your perspective may fall in between these two extremes, but one thing is certain: crisis or not, opportunities for improving your financial position are always present if you look hard enough.

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