Financial Outlook

Redirecting Focus

It’s been a little while since we’ve shared our views on the topic of inflation, (beyond our day-to-day client meetings, where we’ve shared them ad nauseum), and what we should be focused on in that regard...

2024-06-01T12:24:02-04:00September 28th, 2023|Financial Outlook|

What Inflation Is All About?

Greetings From Snowy South Burlington! We hope you all had a safe and relaxing Thanksgiving with friends and family. We double-checked the calendar this morning to see when winter officially starts because it sure feels like the switch has been flipped and winter is here now (if you were about to go search it yourself,

2024-06-01T12:07:33-04:00December 8th, 2021|Financial Outlook|

Head Fake or Bursting Bubble?

Is the recent action in markets the beginning of a downturn, or just a temporary pause? That is the $64,000,000,000,000 question;$64,000 just doesn’t seem to do it justice anymore (yes, I know I’m dating myself here). Mark Twain said, “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme.” In the graph below, it may not be

2024-06-01T12:20:36-04:00June 4th, 2021|Financial Outlook|

Are You Exuberant?

I don't think Jimi Hendrix and Alan Greenspan would have ever hung out, but I do think if they’d met by some kind of happy accident, they'd have gotten along well if each knew more about what really inspired the genius of the other. The following article link is as close as the internet would

2024-06-01T15:50:25-04:00March 18th, 2021|Financial Outlook|


There is a wave of defaults and bankruptcies building in the economic ocean and it will soon become a tsunami. This tsunami will swamp the bond market and then the Federal Reserve, if they really do what they’ve said they’re going to do when the tsunami comes. The Fed may eventually rise to the surface

2024-06-03T12:12:31-04:00June 15th, 2020|Financial Outlook|

Make Adjustments

We have all had to make adjustments from time to time, both large and small. As evidenced by the number in our herd, we are a fairly adaptable species. So, while we resist making them, we are pretty good at it. Having said that, the adjustments we’ll have to make in the years to come

2024-06-03T12:39:05-04:00May 19th, 2020|Financial Outlook|

Filtering the Noise

I have an old-ish pair of noise-cancelling headphones, and to my untrained ear, they sound like they filter the noise by just making a low humming sound in the background. They remind me of the media right now, with an awful lot of noise about flattening the curves. Viral and yield. Maybe humming while we

2024-06-03T16:36:56-04:00March 26th, 2020|Financial Outlook|

What’s Next?

As a follow up to our last post, I thought we’d offer some perspective on what’s next for markets because we’re seeing a lot of half-baked messages on the internet. As I type, the US stock market is down 8% on the day, and I’m seeing weather forecasters and bartenders offering investment advice to people

2024-06-03T17:03:25-04:00March 9th, 2020|Financial Outlook|

Pushing the River

Recently, a close friend told me she felt like she was trying to push the river. It was the first and only time I can recall anyone using the term, and it has stuck with me since. It comes to mind when I hear people talk about protectionist policies intended to stem globalism and close

2024-06-04T11:49:30-04:00January 30th, 2019|Financial Outlook|
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